Robert J. Lira, TCEQ-DR, BPAT
Texas Code Enforcement Officer
Texas Certified Flood Plain Manager
Business Hours
Mon -Thur 8am - 5pm
Fri 8am - 12pm
The Building Inspections Department administers professionally-accepted standards and adopted regulations to safeguard life, safety, health, property, and public welfare of all construction-related activity within the City limits. We are responsible for the enforcement of the City’s adopted building and construction codes and ordinances.
Building permits shall be obtained prior to making any improvements or alterations to a property. Each application must be accompanied with credentials/master license, a driver's license and insurance. If you have any questions if your project will require a permit, please contact us. You can find permit applications here.
Policy and Procedure for Culvert Installation
Brazoria Drainage District #4 will, within its jurisdiction, at the request of a resident, install driveway culvert(s). Such installation must meet local government requirements. Resident is responsible for purchasing culvert(s) and materials. This procedure also applies to extending an existing driveway.
Location in Brookside Village
Please note that Brazoria Drainage District #4 will not proceed with any procedure for the installation of culvert(s) listed above until we have received the faxed request form from the City of Brookside Village.
Please allow up to a 72 hour window for inspections.
The City of Brookside Village
Preferred method of payment
Credit or Debit Card
Money Order
Cashier's Check
Company Check
Made payable to: City of Brookside Village
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Metodo preferido de pago:
Tarjeta de Crédito o Débito
Giro Postal
Cheque de Caja
Cheque de Compañía
Hecho a nombre de Brookside Village
Disculpe por cualquier inconveniencia
City of Brookside Village
City Hall & Municipal Court: 6243 Brookside Road, Brookside Village, Texas 77581
Phone: (281) 485-3048