Monday - Thursday: 8am to 5pm
Friday: 8am to Noon
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Mayor: Glenda Hundl (Term: 2024-2026)
Blake Carter (Term: 2024-2025)
Beth Croix (Term: 2023-2025)
Apollo Gonzales - Mayor Pro Tempore (Term: 2024-2026)
Aubrey Yates (Term: 2024-2026)
Kevin Murphy (Term: 2023-2025)
City Council
1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the Month @ 7:00 pm
6243 Brookside Road
Brookside Village, TX 77581
In the Community Building
Residents are welcome and encouraged to attend these public meetings.
Friends of Brookside Village
The citizens of Brookside Village established this group, which sponsors various community activities. They hold potluck meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the city community building. Often, they invite guest speakers to enlighten and inform residents about current events. They welcome and encourage all residents to attend.
To verify that the meeting is happening, please see the Notices section of this website, where public notice will be given no later than 72 hours before the meeting.
City of Brookside Village
City Hall & Municipal Court: 6243 Brookside Road, Brookside Village, Texas 77581
Phone: (281) 485-3048