Mission of the Brookside Village Municipal Court:
To impartially administer justice in a fair and efficient manner so that trust and accountability are exemplified to the public that we serve.
The information provided on these pages is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice you will need to consult an attorney.
Thank you for visiting the Brookside Village Municipal Court website. It is our desire to assist the public in a positive and friendly manner that assures fair and quality customer service.
The Brookside Village Municipal Court strives to provide professional court proceedings that follow all applicable laws and ensure that the rights of all persons are observed.
The Brookside Village Municipal Court processes and adjudicates class "C" misdemeanor criminal cases which occur within the territorial limits of the City of Brookside Village. Some examples include:
Defendants are punishable by fine only, not jail time.
Judicial Staff
Honorable Judge E. P. Sillas
Administrative Staff :
Clerk of the Court
D. Schertzer
City of Brookside Village
Municipal Court
Court is in session the evening of the second Tuesday of every month.
6243 Brookside Road
Brookside Village, Texas 77581-2045
281-485-3048 office
281-485-9551 fax
A telephone call or E-mail message does not constitute an appearance. Inability to pay a fine is not an excuse for failure to appear.
The Municipal Court Clerk is available from Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The Municipal Court Clerk does not answer legal questions of any nature. The clerk is allowed to explain court proceedings and procedures only. If you need legal advice, please contact an attorney.
Contact the Municipal Court Office regarding any questions you might have about your citation(s) and/or warrant(s). If you have received a citation, you must appear on or before the date and time on your citation. Please allow a minimum of 3 business days for processing.
If you are unable to pay the amount due at this time without undue hardship to yourself or your dependents, you should be prepared to explain and document your financial situation to the municipal court.
City of Brookside Village
City Hall & Municipal Court: 6243 Brookside Road, Brookside Village, Texas 77581
Phone: (281) 485-3048